I have a lot of mixed feelings as I begin my last full week of being a missionary. I know it will go ridiculously fast. This last week was great. We were teaching one of our investigators and we asked her when she wanted to get baptized. She said that may is going to be really busy for her so naturally we were thinking sometime in june but then she said that wednesday would be good! And we were like "wait, THIS wednesday?!" We settled on Saturday but we have a lot of work to do this week. It will keep me busy I'm excited.
The book of mormon musical is back in Boston so again, I had the opportunity to stand outside and hand out copies of the Book of Mormon. There are a lot of mixed experiences with that. We got some people who were really interested, some even came looking for us so they could get a copy. Some laughed at us, others yelled. It's funny how you start to not care what people think of you, as long as you know it's right. It didn't phase me at all. I may have accidentally given a gay guy a pass along card that says "how can I make my marriage stronger" oops.
I finally got a mormon helping hands vest! Woot, we did a stake service project and picked up garbage all around revere and they had those vests for us. I was really excited about that, and there didn't even have to be a natural disaster for me to get one!
I love you all! See you soon!
Hna Jacobsen